Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Get the URL of Stream Media

URL Snooper allows you to take out links that are masked or secreted behind scripts and/or server redirections. It is a tool which facilitates users to find the urls of video and audio files so that they can be downloaded. Countless links to streaming video and audio that you find on the net are hidden behind activex or javascripts. Due to which it is dreadfully complicated to figure out the real urls that correspond to the streams being played.URL Snooper provides simple way out for finding the URLs for all audio and video streams by studying network traffic and identifying potential urls, particularly streaming audio & and video media urls.URL Snooper efficiently recovers multimedia urls of any webpage. The tool starts functioning  immediately as you open it and rapidly analyzes the site you’ve chosen. We recommend going straight away to the advanced features, which will let you to set network sniffing options, choose a browser to analyze links or add some keyword filters. Even though the program interface is moderately unpleasant,URL Snooper is excellent at searching audio and video urls.
Despite the fact that the program installs the WinPCap(It is amazing free of charge network sniffing code library)sniffing engine driver, you can select a different one if you prefer and as well choose the network adapter that suits you mainly. URL Snooper may possibly be helpful for any person analyzing web pages and looking to find all multimedia URLs. The goal of Project URL Snooper is to provide a one-stop easy solution to finding the URLs for all streams. The license of this networking software is Freeware, you can free download and free use this Networking software.


  • Elegant packet spanning – reconstruct  packet streams to remove split-urls;
  • Enhanced recognition of protocols, duplicates, and url arguments;
  • New active url filtering keywords.
  • Enhanced context menu support.
  • Drag and Drop file search.
  • Comprises recording suggestions and website links.

 Run It And Surf:
URL Snooper runs in “simple” mode by default.
The first time you run the program it will try to automatically discover which of several network adapter drivers will work finest with your internet connection.But if there are a few problems searching an active network,URL Snooper will inform about it to you. Otherwise the program will start sniffing all the network traffic automatically.
Now all you have to do is just open a website having an audio stream or video stream you are attracted in and start playing the stream.Hit Ctrl+F5 or the Refresh your browser to reload if no results are found, this might happen in case that the page was “cached” in your computer memory and not obtained from the site freshly.
URL Snooper will attempt to identify the secreted url to the stream and then it will display it in its results list.
Link :-Download

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