Saturday, February 26, 2011

I made this TuT Because many free crypting services are going around in this section. So many new members may get infected by others binding their Rats on their Server.

The point of This thread is to show you how you can find out if someone that has crypted your server has binded his server too.
So in this TUT we will be using Sandboxie to find out
You can find sandboxie here:
Spoiler (Click to Hide)
What sandboxie does is that it shoes you what a file opens and drops on your computer.It is secure cause it opens the files on an isolated space of your disc.

Before all We need to secure Our data Incase that he binded any Stealer that can steal our data and send them imediately
Pictures Below will explain

Supose we made our server and is all working good and we need to crypt it(making it FUD so Antiviruses wont detect it as a malicious program)
Here is Our server We chose to Inject Our server in Default Browser
[Image: 68785899.png]

Uploaded with

We will now Open it in Sandboxie to see What does it execute and what does it drop
Here we see that Our Server Is runing and tha tit injects its self in Default browser as we Selected Before

Lets say we sent Our server to the guy that its gona crypt our server and gave us this file as the crypted fileNow IF you get any error Here He probably Used Antis ANd its probably Infected by his server

Now if we didnt Got any error how do we know that he didnt bind his server on ours ? This is what we are going to find out next. We are going to open the crypted file in Sandboxie again.We should again see Sandboxie runing,Our server,And that its gonna be injected in default Browser
[Image: werethefckthese2apeared.png]

Uploaded with
This Means that he binded his Server on our server cause we see that it opens another 2 files that it shouldnt.

This is the end of the TUT Hope i helpedBlack Hat

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bing Sending More SEO Traffic Than Yahoo! Search?

With some lower traffic smaller sites it is easy to get outlier data that is skewed & somewhat irrelevant (especially true if you have a website which happens to have relevant content in a category that Ask is spamming the heck out of Google in), but one nice thing about comparing Yahoo! and Bing against each other is that they are generally driven by the same relevancy algorithm. Of course Yahoo! and Bing may have different promotions added to their interfaces for certain query types, but if you take websites that are ranking for a wide basket of keywords you can generally see how the search engines are doing against each other at driving traffic.
Some categories (think mom from the mid-west who is a casual internet user) might have a bias toward using Yahoo! Search, but outside of areas where you might expect that sort of skew, I am seeing Bing drive more organic search traffic than Yahoo! is. Here are analytics images from 3 different websites so far this month that get quite a significant search traffic stream. These sites target different demographics from people in their 20's to 30's to 40's. And all 3 of them are getting more search visits from Bing than Yahoo! Search. And, looking at the data, this shift has been fairly significant over the past couple months.

This site gets tons of longtail traffic & ranks across a wide array of keyword.

This site is primarily driven by a few popular keywords & ranks #1 in both Bing and Google for them.

The reason this 3rd one is so Google heavy is because the Google algorithm likes the older site more & it does not have as many fresh links (which Bing seems to like more). It is primarily focused on a few core keywords where it ranks #1 to #3 in Google and #4 to #7 in Bing.
I suspect that Bing is still somewhat more selective with showing search ads than Yahoo! is (as Microsoft's online operation has been losing billions of Dollars per year & Bing is trying to win marketshare from Google, whereas Yahoo! is all about maximizing revenues per search). Yahoo! ads likely get a greater portion of the search clicks due to...
  • ads being shown more frequently & more aggressively
  • ads taking up more visual space (when Bing puts 4 ads above the organic results they put the URL and the description on the same line, whereas Yahoo! spreads them out across multiple lines)
Since Bing is sending more searchers onto the organic search results it means their real search share is over-represented if you look only at organic search visitors, but then as an SEO that is the main thing you are looking for - opportunity. It is a bit of a shame that on the above sites Google is still driving ~ 84% of search visitors, whereas Bing is still in the 16% range.
As Google comes over the top to bury the organic results by...
  • expanding the default AdWords ad units to have longer headlines and a boatload of extensions
  • entering broad consumer verticals like books and finance and offering customized local results
  • running self serving ads in a bunch of categories like project management and even wedding planning
...they kill a lot of opportunity as their ecosystem becomes more closed and perverted.
If the trends hold true, then in some cases it seems like Google might drive SEOs below the fold for core keywords while still pushing strong traffic into tail. Bing still doesn't have the index depth to match Google's relevancy on longtail keywords, but at least they are not crowding out the organic results anywhere near as aggressively on core keywords.
How are you seeing Bing fare against Yahoo! & Google? Are you seeing growth from Bing? What sorts of sites are you seeing Bing do well on & what sorts of sites are you seeing Bing do poorly on?
Update: It appears this sharp increase in Bing traffic over the past month has been driven by a partnership with Conduit.

How to Create Back Links in an Efficient Way

Back links:
Back links are the driving force behind the world of search engine optimization and page ranking. To do well in the results of specific search in the search engines the site must have higher page rank and higher page rank is achievable through getting some great back links.
Basically back links are the links which are in other sites that links to your site. Back links are really easy to create but it's a boring and monotonous job. There is no good amount of back links that will get you a great page rank or a good rating in the search engines.
How to create back links:
There are many ways of creating back links and these methods change as the field of search engine optimization is growing day by day.
1. Anchor text : To create back links firstly you have to learn how to create anchor text. An example is here :
<a href="your" website url>Your keywords here</a>
2. Article writing: Article writing is the best way to get the best back links. There are plenty of article sites to give you a great back link. You have to just write a great article along with your sites anchor text and link. You can use automated software to do this but make sure your article is a great one and it is on your sites keywords.
3. Forum posting : There are many forums and blogs now on the internet to have your precious site's link. To create you have to add your link like an anchor text. The higher the forum's page rank the higher your page links are granted.
4. Blog Comments : To create back links in blogs you have to have the keywords in the name area and then your address. Then a link will be created in the name area of yours.
5. Twitter : If there are many following you then twitter is a great way to have back links too. Its one of the new ways to have back links now a days.
6. : This is a new site where you can ask many questions and answer them. Just pick one with your related topic and then give your site's link.
7. Hub pages and Squidoo : These sites let you build pages in the net along with great back links to support you site. But there is a difference in squido and hub pages. You have to be careful in Hub pages for back links as it lets you add more links than the squido for your site.
8. Google alert for keywords : This is one of the primary way to get updated about your keywords on the internet. Each time for setting up a new site you have to set Google alert for your keywords. For this you get news whenever anyone sets up a new blog on that keyword and you can add your link in that new blog.
9. Directory submission : This method also contain social book marking and many web directory submission. This is a tedious way of doing back links as there are tons of directories and you just can count on any sources. Just take an half hour each day to submit in different directories. But now a days there are many software available that submits automatically to the directories.
10. Social Book marking Site : Its one of the best ways of creating great back links but only if you have much friends and their time. This is a method where you and you friends post and comment on your own keywords leaving you with great back links. But you really want good friends and a great popularity to get this done.
11. Video marketing : Now a days it is very popular among the upcoming web programmers to launch their sites video in different video sites like you tube or other videos site. This gains much traffic to your site rather than back links but it's an innovative way too.
12. Link exchange : This is one of the ways for the bigger fish with money and less time. There are plenty of sites that sale your link on their ranked site. The higher the PR(page rank) the higher the price. But sometimes if you are out for a look and good communicative skill then you can even buy yourself a free back link in any related site of your preferred keyword. Of course the owner must be as eager as you to let you use his site for free! But be careful about the link farming sites. Those are strictly not supported by the search engine crawlers.
The Mistakes :
The common mistakes on creating back links is giving your site's link in those sites where you site would not be followed as it is coded in the robot text. Then you site would not be found in the results of your wished keywords.
Another thing is that posting your links in irrelevant sites. This a common mistakes among the amateurs. If you do this then the search crawlers will be taking this as a spamming and cut you off their search.
So this should be taken seriously as if you get cut off by the search engine's crawler then it would be a disaster in your way of getting a good page rank.
Perfect way :
Perhaps you have already found out that there is no ultimate way of having great back links. But to get in the wrong direction, a thousand doors are open. So be careful with creating back links. Stay updated and most of all spend time. That's what is important to learn here. The methods may change, the outputs may differ but there are no other ways rather than being steady and industrious over the matter.
So I have tried to go through all the matters found in the great cookbook of creating back links but the world of back linking is changing. So with great keywords, contents and most important great back links can get you a higher search engine optimization.

What Are Backlinks And Why Are They Important?

One of the biggest search engines out these days is Google. Google ranks using content, formatting, and linking. The higher that Google calculates the 'quality' of your website, the higher your ranking will be in Google searches. One way to have your website seen as high quality by Google is to have other websites link to it. This is known as backlinking (thus "how to create backlinks").
In this article I will show you how to create backlinks to your website and have it indexed by Google a bit faster (usually). This is by no means meant to be a long and wordy novel on the joys of how to create backlinks. What I'm hoping is to give some simple steps that you can take to jumpstart your site on Google using backlinks. Please comment and let me know if this article was of any help!
(To recap: Backlinks are links from other sites to your websites. Backlinks are important because good backlinks increase your ranking on Google searches.)
NOTE: Nothing beats having great content! Make sure that you have something that will catch people's attention. What good is a link to something that doesn't make people want to keep coming back to your site?
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1: Current High PR Websites

There are already plenty of sites that rank highly on Google. Why not use these to boost your site's ranking? Here are 3 ways to create backlinks from these websites:
  1. Post regularly and then ask for a link, or post a link eventually. Make sure that you add information and quality to their site before trying to create a backlink from it. (No one likes a freeloader!)
  2. Find older, high PR sites that still have guestbooks setup. Simply enter a nice comment that features links to your website.
  3. Search in Google for high ranking blog sites that feature comments by typing in "[your keywords here]" "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" -"no comments". Once you gain some results, go through the sites and make sure that they do not have the "no follow" code. (you can do this by pressing "Ctrl+U" then "Ctrl+F". Type in "nofollow". If the word search finds "nofollow" in the website code, then you are unable to add a link. Otherwise, you should be good to link to your website.)

2: Social Bookmarking Sites

A VERY good and popular way to get your website listed on Google is through social bookmarking websites such as Not only do these sites give your website exposure, but they also create tons of backlinks. These sites are indexed by Google pretty regularly, and so your submissions stand a good chance of being indexed quickly. 3 simple steps of getting setup on social bookmarking sites are:
  1. If it applies, make sure to optimize your article / post headlines for maximum interest. (see: "10 Surefire Headline Formulas That Work")
  2. Got to to sign up for, and submit your website to, social bookmarking sites
  3. Make sure to submit your major articles and posts (but don't overdo it!).
  4. Make sure to add friends and comment on other posts / articles. The more friends that you have, and quality posts and votes that you've made, the more chance you have to get traffic (and backlinks) to your website.

3: Hubpages & Squidoo

Squidoo and Hubpages are both websites that provide users with one webpage to write about any topic. This is pretty useful since, just like the social bookmarking sites, these sites are indexed regularly and rank pretty high on Google. A good strategy is to submit articles, that include links back to your website, to these sites as pages. Submit articles with enough quality and people will link back to your squidoo and hubpages sites.

4: Video Marketing

Video Marketing is a great way to advertise and create backlinks. A Secret: There is usually a lot less competition for the ranking of videos in searches, than the ranking of websites. So there is A LOT of potential to get yourself noticed. Not only will people link to and view your videos, but they will sometimes put your videos on their websites as well! 3 steps to creating backlinks through videos are:
  1. Sign up for the video website and enter information about your website in your website profile.
  2. Post funny, shocking, or informative videos that have to do with your website. make sure to use software like Camtasia to edit the video so that it includes a branded watermark (An example: BigBadBully: Teach Your Dog To Sit).
  3. Make sure to also post your videos to your blog or website with added text.
(YouTube and Google Video are great websites to create backlinks)

5: The Basics

Another option is going back to the basics with text link trade. I'm not talking about the trades that you're used to. This linking system basically adds links to sites that choose to have a link posted from your website. The good thing about it is that the code that THEY use will include a backlink to your site. The code that the person who clicks through their site will use will have a backlink to your website as well. Check it out at.
Binary Traffic

6: Get Creative!

Some creative ways to create backlinks include:
  1. Create Software that includes links to your website.
  2. Create Plugins that include links to your website.
  3. Create Website Code that includes links to your websites.
  4. Create Website Layouts / Templates that include links to your website (can you imagine how many backlinks this could make for you?!).
  5. Donate To A Non-Profit Organization / Cause that posts up informatin about people who make donations. Have them post up information about your website.
  6. Answer questions on "Yahoo! Answers" and other "answer sites". Make sure to put a link to your website in your answer (preferably to an article or page on your site that addresses the question).
  7. Join Twitter and have it follow your posts.
  8. Create a Myspace And Facebook Profile for your website.
  9. Be a guest author on blogs and news websites.
  10. Create an online forum or Yahoo/Google group.
  11. Create an ebook, that has plenty of links to your website, and that you can give away for free.
  12. Submit your site to web directories.
  13. Link inside of craigslist ads.
  14. Link inside of forums.
  15. Join the BBB (Better Business Bureau).
  16. Network with friends and local businesses for links.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Beware of Trojans, Malware and Attacks Via Mobile

Top 9 Security Threats of 2011

Mobile banking and social networks are expected to pose new security threats in the payments space in 2011. But security experts say those threats won't displace the Zeus botnet, malware attacks and phishing threats, which for years have plagued banking institutions. Fraud attempts will escalate, not diminish, as new threats and channels blossom in 2011.

The top 9 threats of 2011 include:

Mobile Banking Risks

Mobile phones used for banking are on the rise, but mobile security is proving increasingly challenging for banks and credit unions, as controls put in place to protect traditional online banking do not translate well when applied to mobile.

Until recently, functionality for mobile banking was fairly limited. But as mobile application robustness has increased, so, too, have security risks. Mobile malware is an emerging threat, and Zeus attacks, such as Mitmo, aimed at mobile, have already been identified.

RSA security researcher Rivner slightly disagrees. "Mobile banking apps will not be a primary target for fraudsters," he says. Instead, he believes mobile browsing will be more targeted in the coming year, since most mobile users continue to use their online banking sites to conduct banking functions.

For more on the topic, see: Emerging Payments Options Open Doors for Mobile.

Social Networks and Web 2.0

The connection between mobile phones and social media is growing, with Twitter and Facebook apps offered for mobile users. Institutions embracing mobile also are embracing social networking. With more banks on social networks, expect to see more fake sites using social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, to try and trick people into giving up vital personal information, including banking login credentials and Social Security numbers.

But external threats aren't the only risks. Social networking sites are also a venue for an institution's own employees to intentionally or inadvertently expose sensitive information. To mitigate internal risks of data leakage, it's important for organizations to spell out social networking policies to employees. They must know when and how to use social networks in the course of their jobs, as well as what information is/is not appropriate to share.

For more on the topic, see: How to Write a Social Media Policy.

Malware, Botnets and DDoS Attacks

Distributed denial-of-service, or DDoS, attacks, as seen in the wake of the recent WikiLeaks incidents, are likely to increase. In fact, the WikiLeaks-inspired attacks against leading e-commerce sites have fueled interest among fraudsters. Botnet operators now see opportunity for additional income.

Even with the takedown of the Mariposa Botnet earlier this year, banking institutions are expected to face growing challenges in the fight against DDos attacks.

Attacks are also getting more sophisticated. The No. 1 banking-credential-stealing Trojan, Zeus, is used by hundreds of criminal organizations around the world, so "add-ons" are prevalent. This year alone, Zeus has been linked to some $100 million in financial losses worldwide, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Zeus' anonymous programmer, who launched the Trojan in 2007, is likely to come out with a new and improved Zeus variety in 2011. There is a good chance that he will soon emerge with even more powerful ways to steal.

For more on the topic, see: New, Improved Trojans Target Banks.


Sophistication in phishing, smishing and vishing attacks also is increasing. Fraudsters now create very polished messaging that targets everything from bank accounts to Amazon accounts. In fact, respondents to the recent Faces of Fraud survey say phishing/vishing attacks rank No. 3 among fraud threats.

To fight these incidents, inroads in consumer education have been made, but the social engineering techniques that have made phishing a success are now trickling down to land-line and mobile phones. Phishing will be used as a general purpose tool that leverages a recognized brand, but doesn't try to attack them directly. Nonetheless, the damage to the brand's reputation (in the eyes of the victimized consumers) could be costly.

For more on the topic, see: Phishing Attacks on the Rise.

ACH Fraud: Corporate Account Takeover

In 2010, ACH fraud resulting in corporate account takeovers saw a dramatic increase and made for some of the year's most compelling reading. We witnessed banks suing customers and customers suing banks over the responsibility for fraud incidents and losses.

In 2011, commercial banking attacks are expected to rise, experts say, especially as man-in-middle or man-in-the-browser, also known as MitB, schemes increase.

MitB attacks targeting two-factor authentication intensified in 2010, requiring commercial banks to deploy additional lines of defense, such as out-of-band authentication, desktop hardening and anti-Trojan services. As the MitB attacks get easier, less sophisticated criminals are expected to target consumer accounts, too, despite smaller returns.

For more on the topic, see: ACH Fraud: 1 Year Later.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is touted for its ability to curb fraud, but fraudsters are working overtime to create new threats in what Rivner calls "the Dark Cloud." He predicts fraudsters will hone their ability to exploit new and yet-unknown cloud vulnerabilities. Rivner says institutions can expect in 2011 to see cloud-targeted Trojans, like Qakbot, that focus on a geographic region and/or specific banking sectors.

Cloud computing, in particular, is thought to be failsafe. People sometimes think there is no hardware involved ... and, as a result, it will never fail. So it's one thing to keep in mind: Cloud computing is not limitless. Every cloud has its own boundaries.

Inside Attacks

Malicious attacks or hacks are often launched inside an organization by a disgruntled employee. But the inside threat also may be posed by an outside person who uses false credentials to pose as an insider to illegally gain access to internal servers and systems.

The problem: companies and financial institutions have not properly limited access to databases and files that contain sensitive information.

WikiLeaks serves as a prime example of how insider threats can pose significant security risks. The controversy brewed when an Army private allegedly accessed and downloaded classified information that he later sent to WikiLeaks. Though the private had some security clearance, he did not necessarily have authorization to access and download the classified files he leaked.

It's often all too easy for employees to illegally grab sensitive information. "It's the little things that lead to most internal compromises, like walking away from your desk and not locking your screen. Internal fraud is still one of the biggest issues in financial services, especially since the embezzlement of funds and the compromise of consumer financial information is so tempting.

As RSA's Rivner points out, the challenges posed by outsiders are just as alarming, since many take aim at government and bank employees. Noting Operation Aurora as an example, Rivner says insiders can unknowingly pose threats, especially when they are targeted by sophisticated hackers.

For more on the topic, see: Most Breaches Caused by Crime Gangs.

First-Party Fraud

First-party fraud continues to pose security challenges. Also known as "advances fraud," "bust out fraud," "application fraud," "friendly fraud" and "sleeper fraud," first-party crime typically involves a customer applying for and accepting credit with no intention of repayment.

First-party fraud applicants can use synthetic identification or misrepresent their real identities.
The British Bankers Association estimates between 10 percent and 15 percent of bad debt losses may result from first-party fraud. Specialized criminal gangs now target financial institutions with counterfeit identification and advanced knowledge of lending practices. Once an identity is established, the fraudster builds credit and applies for multiple financial products.

For more on the topic, see: 'Watch the Lower Lip!' - Using Facial Expressions to Detect Fraud.


In 2010, card skimming of all types took off, including traditional ATM skimming and new incidents at merchant point-of-sale systems and self-service gasoline pumps. Even though skimming incidents are localized, they represent a growing problem. The advent of ATM "blitz" or "flash" attacks reveals growing sophistication and coordination among counterfeit-card operations. Blitz or flash attacks involve the simultaneous withdrawal of funds from multiple ATMs in different locations, sometimes scattered throughout the world.

Flash attacks will pose increasing challenges, since they "fly under the radar" of most fraud-detection systems. Banks can stop it if they can figure out the point of compromise, but many have a hard time doing that with current fraud-detection solutions.

Fraudsters throughout the world rely more on wireless communications to transmit skimmed card data. Improving awareness is important and the PCI PED standard is addressing some of the global card skimming trends we are seeing.

Stronger cardholder authentication through contactless radio-frequency identification payments or contact chip technology such as EMV could address some of these emerging fraud concerns. Anything beyond better authentication would involve changing the whole infrastructure.

What is network Scanning?

Examine your Network With Nmap

Network scanning is an important part of network security that any system administrator must be comfortable with. Network scanning usally consists of a port scanner and vulnerability scanner.

Port scanner is a software that was designed to probe a server or host for open ports. This is often used by administrators to verify security policies of their networks and can be used by an attacker to identify running services on a host with the view to compromise it. A port scan sends client requests to a server port addresses on a host for finding an active port. The design and operation of the Internet is based on TCP/IP. A port can have some behavior like below:

  • Open or Accepted: The host sent a reply indicating that a service is listening on the port.
  • Closed or Denied or Not Listening: The host sent a reply indicating that connections will be denied to the port.
  • Filtered, Dropped or Blocked: There was no reply from the host.
Port scanning has several types such as: TCP scanning, SYN scanning, UDP scanning, ACK scanning, Window scanning, FIN scanning, X-mas, Protocol scan, Proxy scan, Idle scan, CatSCAN, ICMP scan.

TCP scanning

The simplest port scanners use the operating system’s network functions and is generally the next option to go to when SYN is not a feasible option.

SYN scanning

SYN scan is another form of TCP scanning. Rather than use the operating system’s network functions, the port scanner generates raw IP packets itself, and monitors for responses. This scan type is also known as halfopen scanning, because it never actually opens a full TCP connection.

UDP scanning

UDP is a connectionless protocol so there is no equivalent to a TCP SYN packet. If a UDP packet is sent to a port that is not open, the system will respond with an ICMP port unreachable message. If a port is blocked by a firewall, this method will falsely report that the port is open. If the port unreachable message is blocked, all ports will appear open.

ACK scanning

This kind of scan does not exactly determine whether the port is open or closed, but whether the port is filtered or unfiltered. This kind of scan can be good when attempting to probe for the existence of a firewall and its rule sets.

FIN scanning

Usually, firewalls are blocking packets in the form of SYN packets. FIN packets are able to pass by firewalls with no modification to its purpose. Closed ports reply to a FIN packet with the appropriate RST packet, whereas open ports ignore the packet on hand.

Nmap support large number of this scanning. A vulnerability scanner is a computer program designed to assess computers, computer systems, networks or applications for weaknesses. It is important that the network administrator is familiar with these methods.

There are many types of software for scanning networks, some of this software is free and some are not, at Sectools you can find list of this software. The significant point about Nmap (Network Mapper) is Free and Open Source. Nmap is a security scanner originally written by Gordon Lyon (also known by his pseudonym Fyodor Vaskovich) for discover hosts and services on a computer network. Nmap runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, HP-UX and BSD variants (including Mac OS X), and also on AmigaOS and SGI IRIX.

Nmap includes the following features:
  • Host Discovery
  • Port Scanning
  • Version Detection
  • OS Detection
  • Scriptable interaction with the target
Nmap Works in two modes, in command line mode and GUI mode. Graphic version of Nmap is known as Zenmap. Official GUI for Nmap versions 2.2 to 4.22 are known as NmapFE, originally written by Zach Smith. For Nmap 4.50, NmapFE was replaced with Zenmap, a new graphical user interface based on UMIT, developed by Adriano Monteiro Marques. Working with Zenmap is easy and have a good environment for work.

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